On Monday we went out to Bury Farm to do Novice 38 and Elementary 43. It was especially lovely because my Mum and Dad there to watch and as always they were a huge help. I was also lucky to have my trainer, Ann Bostock there as she was also competing. I have never had a trainer at an event before so it was nice to have her help in the warm up and after to reflect on the tests.
I had been working all weekend so had to get everything ready on the Friday before and I will admit I had not spent enough time learning my tests. Knowing that my Mum would be there I had not worried too much as she could call them for me....what I had forgotten is that the wind at Bury Farm can be awful and there were points in both tests where I had no idea what she was shouting!
I trialled a slightly longer warm up than normal and got on 45 minutes before our first test. I thought it might drag but it flew by and I was able to practice onwards and more collected strides, shoulder in, leg yield and do lots of transitions as well as giving him a few walk breaks.
We went into Novice 38 feeling good and it went well, no dramas and no huge obvious mistakes. I was very surprised when I checked the scores as we got 69.5% and had won the Restricted section. We came 3rd overall, beaten by two riders in the Open section and the scores were close so I was very pleased. The comments were fair, Toy needs to be more balanced in all his paces especially in the transitions and despite some improved difference today he still needs to cover more ground in the medium steps. The lowest marks were for our downward transitions from the counter canter to trot which is understandable and will hopefully improve with practice.
After a short break I warmed up again for Elementary 43. The wind was strong and Toy went into the arena feeling very spooky. He had a good look at the sponsor boards and did not really settle. I could have done with another lap around the edge before I went in but I am always wary of doing this after the bell has rung and then upsetting the judge. The test was tense and I made an error when I had absolutely no idea where I was going, which obviously cost me marks. We scored 61.2% and the comments were fair. When Toy is tense he doesn't engage his hind end as much and then he isn't soft over his back and feels almost impossible to ride.
Overall, another good day out and lots to learn from so we will keep practicing :) Unfortunately the wind played havoc with the videoing of the tests but they are good to learn from and I have found some good snapshots of the best bits!
Next stop, back to Bury Farm for a Show Jumping clinic with Mandy McGlynn....