Thursday, 5 March 2015

Jump lesson 2nd March

So the pre-season training has not gone to plan over the past week, the lorry would not start which meant we could not get to the Mandy McGlynn show jumping clinic and then for one reason or another we have not been X-Country schooling either. Luckily I had a jump lesson booked on Monday with David.
There were a few new jumps in the arena but I asked not to jump them as Toy can be a bit difficult with new fillers and I really just wanted to feel confident jumping and to end on a high.

David set out a figure of eight with four jumps in the arena. First of all just with poles and using the repetition of cantering round and round to get Toy to settle. I have never asked Toy to do a flying change but he knows how to do them and if he lands on the wrong lead after a jump he will change himself, so this exercise was quite good as I could get used to asking him to change canter lead over the second poles.
David then put the jumps up and I just popped round the figure of eight in each direction. He also set up a skinny fence on the centre line at one end so I could vary the route and get Toy thinking. Even though it was a fairly simple exercise I finished the lesson feeling amazing, I now feel so relaxed about jumping Toy and am happy to sit up straight and wait for the jump rather than panicking and either dropping him or chasing him on the last stride. Toy didn't chip in any short strides or get too close and balloon the fence so I was really happy.
Also, very pleased that the height of the fences are creeping up week after week and I am feeling more confident jumping bigger...even if David does put the poles up a hole or two when I'm not looking!
Next stop Aston Le Walls for our first event of the season on Sunday....cannot wait!!


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