Wednesday, 27 January 2016

No pain, No gain!

I am many things, a nurse, a daughter, a thing I am not is an athlete. Well I don't consider myself to be, anyway. Toy on the other hand, in my eyes, is an equine athlete and has regular physio, saddle fittings, does lots of lunging in the Equi-Ami. Its no wonder he is looking and feeling good.

Time to re-address the balance!

Last Sunday I went to a BD Improving Rider Performance workshop at Hartpury College, building on the relatively new concept that riders of all disciplines are in fact athletes. We underwent numerous physio assessments testing our strength, mobility and cardiovascular fitness. The whole day was jam packed but kept light hearted and it was lovely to be surrounded by like minded people, who were all there to better themselves and therefore help their horses.

We each rode the mechanical horse, Hercules. It was quite strange but very life like in all the different paces. The pressure pad under the saddle gave a reading, showing if we were sitting evenly. My numbers were what I expected, showing that I put more weight on the right side, either through my seat or the stirrup but it shows I have not been helping Toy's cause, an issue I can now concentrate on and hopefully correct.

My competitive streak certainly helped and I pushed myself in several of the cardiovascular activities. The instructor timing the wall squat said there was a record of 3 minutes set by another member of the group....cue burning quads!

The most interesting and also most demoralising session for me, was the assessment with the Chiropractor. My posture has never been good, I blame being tall but that really is no excuse anymore. Standing facing away and to the side the Chiropractor talked through all of the 'problem areas' and suggested things we should improve.

I stand with me knees hyperextended which then pushes my pelvis out of line. I also round my shoulders/need to lift my sternum and this then pushes my neck and head forward. My lateral flexibility was described as "appalling" but my Mum's thoracic mobility was described as "curious" so I'm not sure which is worse!

I had to remind myself on the way home that these faults all require tiny adjustments and are not as awful as the description may have sounded at the time. The whole day was about raising your awareness of your weaknesses and then hopefully being able to make a positive change.

So where do I start?!
So far I have dreamt about standing with my knees soft and have made myself sit up straight in the car.

The plan (and I've kept this realistic) is to run 3 times a week. We have a good route from our house, I can run when I get home from the yard smelling of horse/don't need to go into the public domain and its there should be no excuses! I then plan to do the exercises given to us on the day at Hartpury when I get back home. The gym ball is out of the loft!

I am also on the look out for a McTimoney Chiropractor. Ideally someone who treats horses as well so they understand the muscle groups that are used when riding and what I need to improve.
Lots of hard work ahead but hopefully it will all be worth it!

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